What is the difference between Traditional QA process and TestAces Business value driven QA Process

Traditional QA processes are more focused on identifying the actual software defects and is indifferent of the actual business objective of the software. In traditional QA, the QA team comes into picture most of the times at a later phase either during the design or the testing stage. This might add to the mismatch in expectations that are aligned with the business goal. Whereas, business value driven QA processes are aligned with the business goals and thereby help businesses to measure the ROI of the QA process. Major breakthroughs in business driven QA processes like DevOps and Agile Testing have changed the picture, adding significantly to the business value of the organization. These changes covered the path for continuous testing and frequently deployments.

Parameter Tradition QA Process TestAces Business Value driven QA Process
Requirements Functional requirements Business requirements
Planning and Execution Achieve maximum test coverage Achieve maximum test coverage in optimal time with Risk Based testing
Defect Management Reactive approach with no plan to predict the defect occurrence Historical data and pattern analysis used to predict accurate defect prediction
Perspective Only Tester Perspective Business Analyst, QA and End User perspective
Tools Used To improve productivity Defect prevention
Quality Enhanced with Effective defect detection Is based on strategic goal like faster time to market
QA Management Is efficient project management Effective Project management and completed involvement of stakeholders and QA members.
Team Composition A fairly fixed team Cross functional QA team and specialised variable team
Metrics Metrics are orientated towards the project Metrics are oriented towards the business
Efficiency Is achieving testing objectives Achieving business goals with robust testing
Price Model Is based on time or has fixed price Is unit of work or outcome based, Risk-Reward based pricing scenarios.