'First Time Ready - QA' what does it mean for Mobile Application development

The mobile application domain has been expanding for quite some time now. A good quality product or service leads to satisfied and loyal customers. People are using mobile applications in everyday life ranging from everyday applications like grocery shopping to carry out complicated business activities. So, there is a huge demand for the mobile applications as the customer requirement continue to increase. It’s important to test the application on a multitude of actual devices on which the application will run.

The success of the mobile application hugely depends on its usability and functionality. Quality Assurance plays an important role in the development of mobile applications. Quality Assurance not only helps in optimizing the product performance but also enhances end-user experience. Mobile development companies need to include comprehensive mobile application testing strategy for getting applications to market on time and first time ready”. Most mobile app development companies know that they have only one shot with a potential user and therefore getting the app functioning and “first time ready” is critical. No amount of fixing problems will ever bring back a potential user who has tried and failed with an app first time. There are many ways of ensuring this and some of these have been enumerated hereunder.

A simple and efficient practice is to avoid supporting devices or operating systems that the manufacturers or vendors no longer support. Trying to test on unsupported devices and operating system versions is a waste of time.

Another standard practice ought to be around testing mobile apps by under repeatedly witching connectivity. Mobile apps constantly go from Wifi to GSM connectivity and back and the seamless transition between the two is imperative and demanded by most heavy duty users of mobile apps. Most mobile app are functionally perfect but still fail in this test. Data says that almost 60% apps published on different app stores fail under this test.

Another good test environment is seeing how a mobile app performs when the user loses network connectivity completely. Every app should have decent error message handling capability. Often apps just hang on the phone without appropriate error messaging thus leading the user to believe that the app failed even when it hadn’t.

There are many other such standard tests that we use here at testaces.com to help you fulfill the promise of your idea and development effort of building a great mobile app. Thorough testing of your mobile app at the hands of experts like testcase.com will not only help you save thousands of dollars that you would have invested in development of the app but would also give you your best chance of succeeding in the massive crowd of mobile apps launched daily.