What is the difference between Software Testing and QA

Quality Assurance and Software Testing both are needed to make software better. Their combined efforts help to save money by identifying software defects early, leading to greater customer satisfaction. However, there are significant differences on how each is performed, so it is important to understand the concept and the differences between the two.

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Outsourced Software Testing: 6 Reasons why you may want to consider it

Outsourcing software testing gives exposure to an independent perspective. A lack of in-house bias for certain aspects of system is provided by a fresh pair of eyes as these testers are unfamiliar with the product.

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'First Time Ready - QA' what does it mean for Mobile Application development

The mobile application domain has been expanding for quite some time now. A good quality product or service leads to satisfied and loyal customers.  People are using mobile applications in everyday life ranging from everyday applications like grocery shopping to carry out complicated business activities. So, there is a huge demand for the mobile applications as the customer requirement continue to increase. It’s important to test the application on a multitude of actual devices on which the application will run.

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